October Updates to the Chronic Illness Dash

Hi, happy end of October, start of November!

This is going to be the first in a series, probably a monthly series, depending on how frequently we actually update the dashboards–but won't be more than monthly, because I don't think that many changes all that quickly will be that helpful.

But because this dashboard is sort of a living thing for me, I use it every day, there are times when I realize how I have it set up isn't quite as like optimized as I want it to be, and so I've made some changes over the last month to both my personal dashboard and to the public dashboard that is for sale. So if you've already purchased that dashboard, you can click into it the template again and duplicate it with the changes if you haven't already duplicated it for your own use.

In this video I'm going to go over how I added each new element if you've already duplicated it for yourself, and you do want to be adding in some of these new elements.

I'm going to try not to make too many finicky changes with the template, because I know at a certain point the optimization is just an endless thing to keep up with. But these were things that I really felt like improved the functionality of our Chronic Illness Dashboard.

If you have any questions on how to use any of these elements or how to implement them, please let us know. If there are other updates you think would be helpful, feel free to drop them in the comments or send us an email. We're always trying to make this as useful as possible for people, and we want to make sure that it's if you've purchased it, it's not just sitting there unused and it's actually helpful for you. So if you're struggling with that, please send us an email. We really, really want to help you out!


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